易胜博 offers two options for both Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor. The Personal Trainer Diploma program will provide a broad foundation of knowledge to assist students to assess, design, and prescribe individualized fitness training programs for clients, while the Group Fitness Instructor Certification program, explores teaching fitness in a class setting. Both programs address the need of assisting others in improving personal fitness and overall quality of life.
Program Options
The 易胜博 Personal Trainer Diploma program will provide a broad foundation of knowledge to assist students to assess, design and prescribe individualized fitness training programs for clients. The program addresses the skills required to assist others in improving personal fitness and overall quality of life.
The coursework will expose students to the resources and professional networks required to stay current in their profession over the length of their career. Personal Training opportunities are available in almost every community in our nation through programs offered at recreational venues, public/private fitness clubs, or as independent businesses. Upon completion of the coursework required, an internship experience allows students to see how their skills are applied in the workplace.
The Group Fitness Instructor Certification program explores teaching fitness in a class setting, and addresses the skills required to assist others for improving personal fitness and overall quality of life.
The Group Fitness Instructor Certification program will prepare students to work in class settings to lead groups of clients in a variety of fitness-based activities. This coursework will expose students to the resources and professional networks required to stay current in their profession over the length of their career. Upon completion of the coursework required, an internship experience allows students to see how their skills are applied in the workplace. Group Fitness Instructor opportunities are available in almost every community in our nation through programs offered at recreational venues, public/private fitness clubs, or as independent businesses. Group Fitness Instructors can implement and lead programs for persons of all ages to meet all fitness needs in any classroom or community setting. Group Fitness Instructors are found at every level, from youth recreation to interscholastic, intercollegiate, amateur and senior populations.
Samantha Schendzielos, Program Advisor
SS 135 • samantha.schendzielos@022aode.com • 507-285-7469
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